你经常觉得欺诈和质疑你的成功吗?You May Be Experiencing Impostor Syndrome


Have you ever felt like your accomplishments or accolades aren’t warranted? Or do you worry that people will figure out you’re not as smart, skilled, and competent as they think you are? That you’ll be “found out”? If these feelings are familiar to you, you may have “impostor syndrome” or “impostor phenomenon”.

Impostor syndrome was first defined by psychologists Dr. Pauline R. Clance and Dr. Suzanne A. Imes in their 1978studyas an “internal experience of intellectual phoniness in people who believe that they are not intelligent, capable or creative despite evidence of high achievement.” In other words, those who have impostor syndrome possess a pervasive feeling of doubt and inadequacy. They believe they are where they are because of luck (你会记得我不相信)或机会,而不是因为自己的人才,资格或努力工作。如果你有冒犯运动员综合症,你可能担心其他人可能会发现你缺乏能力,并且你会被暴露为“欺诈”。

If you do often feel this way, rest assured that you are not alone. In fact, impostor syndrome is an extremely common psychological phenomenon that approximately70 percent of people experience在他们的生活中。(如果你不确定你是否患有Impostor综合症,我建议你做到这一点assessment由Crance博士设计,帮助确定您是否拥有共同的特征和在多大程度上。)

As I discuss in my book,The Authenticity Principle, so many of us are racked with negative narratives that reflect insecurities and fears, despite the many wins and successes we may have achieved. Everyone at one time or another can get caught up in this negative loop of self-doubt, which we often mask in order to appear stronger in the hope that our vulnerabilities will not be seen and we won’t be discovered as a fake.

而骗子syndrome can affect anyone, researchers believe that it is more prevalent among People of Color, women, and people from other diverse communities because of the link between experiencing discrimination and feeling inadequate.Valerie Young博士, an expert on impostor syndrome, explains that even though there is no definitive reason why impostor syndrome exists, there are multiple external factors, such as a person’s environment or institutionalized discrimination, that can contribute to them feeling like a fraud.

In addition to direct experiences with oppression, with the lack of representation of People of Color, women, and other diverse professionals as leaders in society and in mainstream media, it’s no wonder that so many of us experience inhibiting feelings of unworthiness and a sense of不属于

So the big question is, how do you deal with impostor syndrome and learn to not disregard your own experiences and credibility? The good news is that there are ways to address it.

Here are 4 practical tips for overcoming impostor syndrome and the negative self-talk and self-limiting beliefs that come with it.

1.Acknowledge and Challenge the Negative Thoughts

大多数时候,当我们觉得欺诈时,通常与我们的完美思想有关。但重要的是要记住完美does not actually exist。遭受挫折或失败是一种困难但正常的生命中,需要被接受的生活中的重要课程,我们可以在过程中学到。只需通过观察和承认我们对我们的能力的局限性和随后的负面想法,我们可以将它们放入透视和问题,在那里他们来自他们,是否阻碍或帮助我们。意识到我们的自我怀疑也使我们能够批评它,并用积极的叙述取代我们的负面自我谈话。

2.Use Mantras and Positive Truths


3.Write Down Your Accomplishments


4.Find Support in Your Network

If you feel like a pretender sometimes, you are not alone. Many people suffer from impostor syndrome, from our peers to our leaders — and even high-powered and hugely successful famous people like Maya Angelou and Tina Fey, who have both openly admitted to feeling like frauds. Recognizing that impostor syndrome is a widespread experience can help us overcome our negative worries, andsharing is where this magic happens。通过打开对话的对话并相互分享我们的经历,我们可以建立有意义的,支持性的关系,帮助让我们提升并强化对自己的积极情绪。这样做的一种方法是通过加入亲和团体,在线论坛,甚至在社交媒体上的利益集团来找到一个安全的空间 - 当然,你可以依靠你的云层当你需要充满信心和保证时。




I’m an award-winning life coach, empowerment speaker, author, and inclusion expert dedicated to helping you live your best life.




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