想开展业务吗?These 3 Strategies Will Help You Succeed


这么多人梦想着创业自己的生意 - 无论是成熟的冒险还是侧面喧嚣。是一个entrepreneur不可否认的呼吁有几个原因:您可以自由设定自己的日程安排,与您选择的人合作,追求您真正热衷的事物,并创造一种生活方式,使您更经常成为真实,真实的自我。难怪这么多人想这样做!

当我第一次发射时,这些愿景在我的脑海中跳舞my businesstoo. I’d taken the big leap to go out on my own after finishing my MBA, and I was ready to give entrepreneurship everything I had. I launched my leadership and diversity consulting firm in a truly glamorous fashion: on my couch, in my pajamas, trying to figure out how to create an invoice template in Excel on my brand-new laptop. It was quite humbling and equal parts exciting and terrifying.

Here I am, nearly ten years later, working from an office with a full team of employees and a roster of global clients. I may still wear clothing that could be pajamas to the office (if you’ve seen myInstagramstories,您会知道我的意思!),但是我也在世界各地旅行,每年都会提供近100次演讲,与数十个著名组织和鼓舞人心的领导者合作。我有独特的特权,即与我所做的工作真正联系在一起,并且每天都知道我的工作有所作为。

New entrepreneurs often wonder what helps a new business to succeed. I’ve done a lot of reflecting on the ingredients that have led to my success, and I’ve noted three strategies that have been critical to making my business work. If you can implement these strategies when launching your business, you’ll be well positioned for success.

1.从真正独特的产品开始 - 只有您才能交付


我开始业务时采取的方法受到了蓝色海洋战略— that is, selling an offering that nobody else could deliver. For me, this meant starting a diversity consulting firm focused on helping organizations in the Canadian legal profession to better recruit, retain, and advance women and people from diverse communities.

When I launched my business, most Canadian organizations weren’t focused on diversity programming — and the legal profession certainly wasn’t, despite being very homogeneous. I had a background as a lawyer, had worked in human resources in the legal profession for nearly a decade, had experience creating and executing diversity programming within a law firm, and had a passion for social justice. I also knew I had a gift forpublic speaking- 尤其是用于以可访问的方式传达有关多样性的信息 -building relationships。在加拿大,没有其他人在法律界严格从事这种类型的工作,我很独特地做到这一点。

What’s fabulous about being very targeted about what you offer is that once you have success with your initial product or service, you can expand what you’re selling and who you’re selling it to. For example, my firm now works across sectors around the world and offers a range ofdiversity services


2. Build Your Relationships and Your Reputation (aka Your Market)

It’s key to build strategic contacts and relationships, in addition to building your reputation and your brand, before you open your doors.

It’s not enough to know what you’re going to be selling — you need to know who you’re going to be selling it to. It’s really important to be crystal clear about who will buy from you. To assist you with selling your offering, and especially to get immediate take-up, it’s a HUGE help to sell to your pre-existing business contacts. They already know who you are, they’re more likely to say yes and be early adopters, and you can ask them for testimonials or referrals once you’ve worked with them.

当我开始我的生意,我一直工作在HR for a large, prestigious law firm for nearly a decade. In every facet of the job, I worked hard at building and maintaining strong relationships across the profession — with people who, it turned out, would later hire me as a consultant. Outside of the office, I attended conferences, making connections across the country and beyond, and did relevant volunteer work where I knew I would meet key people in the industry.

Of course, at the time I wasn’t doing these things because I wanted to convert these relationships into future clients — I had no idea that I would one day launch a business of my own. I was just being myAuthentic Self,真正了解人们,并让他们认识我。但是,由于我既活跃于职业,又分享了真实的自我,所以我正在建立一个强大的品牌,这直接导致人们以后购买了我的产品。

My message for you is this: along the way, before you launch your business, be consistently excellent in all that you do.Do your besteverywhere you go to develop your brand and reputation in all of your interactions and be authentic in how you build relationships. Plant the seeds now, and you’ll reap the benefits later.

3.建立您的策略和执行肌肉 - 您将需要两者


策略是关于愿景的 - 您想要创建和业务发生的事情的更大了解。这是关于确定所有需要聚集在一起才能成功启动然后经营您的业务的各个部分。它需要广泛产生想法,考虑多种选择,进行成本效益分析以及对关键业务优先事项做出决定。

Execution is about taking the decisions you’ve made and putting them into effect. It means rolling up your sleeves, getting your hands dirty, and doing the actual work. It means creating the slide deck or pitch presentation, organizing the event, building the website, creating the outreach list, following up on the emails religiously, and taking out the garbage.

Strategy and execution are equally important. Strategy without execution results in inaction.

我专注于战略和执行,尤其是早期。我和我的笔记本电脑只有一年才聘请第一支队伍。这相当于无数小时独自做到这一点,从字面上做自己的工作的各个方面。但是,在我自己建立正确的基础之后,我现在拥有一支完整的团队来帮助我制定策略和执行 - 所有这些都是扩展业务的关键。









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