

如果您像大多数人一样,当您进行对话时 - 尤其是关于精神健康或racism或涉及给您所爱的一个建设性的反馈 - 您可能迫不及待地想跳进去说什么。对方的话可能会引起您的情感反应,促使您想说的十个件事,在您不知不觉中,在您考虑到他们之前,单词从嘴里飞出。

When this is how you approach conversations, you’re probably notlistening对于另一个人来说,您可能不会尽力而为。或更糟糕的是 - 您可能会说些你会踢自己的话later,尤其是如果您处于冲突(例如在争论中)或在压力下(例如在工作面试中)。


You can start by making use of what I call the power of the pause.

这power of the pause — the act of slowing down and taking a deliberate pause before speaking — is simple. When it’s your turn to speak and you find your mind racing, take a moment to think before responding. You can even name it by saying, “I just want to pause for a moment and think about this.” Then take a few breaths andcheck in with yourself



Consider Your Response


首先反思您的回应。您可以问自己:“我对这个人的话的直接解释是正确的吗?还是还有更多?”这是一个方面mindful listening, where we consider the myriad factors that could be influencing a person’s words, including their emotions, their environment, and more.

这n you can reflect on what your gut is telling you to say. Is this something you want to say in the moment, save for later, or never say at all? What words might better serve you in the moment?


In my book真实性原beplay最新备用网址则,我介绍了七个行为维度的概念。这Seven Behavioral Dimensions,一系列的地区,在那里我们可以明显和tangibly showcase our authenticity, are a practical way to check in with how authentic you’re being in any given moment — and three of these dimensions directly impact your conversations: the words we use when we speak, how we speak (our volume, tone of voice, and more), and the content we share.


But when we take a pause, we have the power to catch ourselves in a moment of performing before we say something that doesn’t match our true selves. Then we can choose whether to be fullyauthentic or adaptive在我们说的话中。

在您停顿期间,请考虑您要说的话是否与您的真实的自我。If how you speak or the content you share is one of your “must-do” areas for being authentic, this will be an especially important check-in for you.



当您停下来时,请调到您的身体,问自己在告诉您您的情绪。你的肚子打结了吗?你的肩膀抬起耳朵吗?您是否在上胸部呼吸浅,浅呼吸?你的心赛车吗?这些迹象以及其他迹象会告诉您您的身体何时在战斗,飞行或冻结中 - 如果是,您可能会在情感上对自己的处境有反应。

Fortunately, when you catch yourself in this state usingmindfulness,您可以将自己恢复到扎根状态,并具有更深思熟虑的回应。深入腹部呼吸是平静身体,控制思想并注意该说些什么的好方法。

Leverage Self-Coaching

Sometimes we know what we want to say back to someone, but we’re afraid to say it.

This can happen in many situations — for example, if you want to share youropinion at work,但遭受了自我限制的信念,使您受到自我审查。或者,如果您想与伴侣分享自己的真实感受,但深处您担心自己不应该满足自己的需求。

当您在这些时刻抓住自己时,请问自己害怕什么。然后,您可以使用暂停self-coachin the form of positive affirmations. Tell yourself encouraging words like, “You can do this! You’ve worked here for two years, you have good ideas, and you’re worthy of sharing them.” Or “My feelings are valid, and I deserve to feel heard in this moment.”

If you plan your words of肯定事先,更好。在困难的情况下,他们将为您准备好。

Practicing the Pause



I'm Ritu.




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