

我希望自己的身体很多。我经常去上班和娱乐,我有一个严格的工作时间表,长时间长时间,我大量工作,而且我一直在跑步我的生意. I need my “machine” to be in its best shape to function at such a high level, and I want to be able to do so for as long as possible.

我们的身体是惊人的,奇迹般的事物,当我们照顾他们时,我们会得到回报 - 我们看起来和年轻,我们因疾病而遭受的苦难减少,我们拥有更多的精力,做出更好的决定,并且感到更加快乐。练习self-care对于我们的身体和思想也可以帮助我们生活more authentically, because it helps us to better track and regulate how we are feeling and what we’re thinking. Given all of this, over the years I’ve developed a regimen for my physical health that works well for me, giving me the greatest possible sense of physical well-being (my friends call me a total health nut!).

A few important notes before I let you in on my personal health secrets. Firstly, while I’m obsessed with health and wellness, I’m not a health professional who is able to give medical advice. The health practices outlined here are based on what I’ve learned over time about a range of Eastern and Western health practices, wisdom, and research. Each person’s body, ability level, and belief system is different, and I’m a huge advocate for listening to your own inner wisdom about what’s best for you. If you’re considering a lifestyle change, do your own in-depth research and consult the pros!

Secondly, I recognize my privilege in being able to avail myself of a lot of the strategies below, and I know that not all of this will be accessible to everyone. And finally, while I’m focusing on physical health here, I know firsthand how important mental health practices are too.

My hope is that in hearing about how I care for my body as a busy professional, you’ll be inspired to find a holistic health regimen that works for you. So without further ado, here’s what I’m doing these days that helps me maintain my physical health.


毫无疑问那t physical exercise is one of the keys to health. For me, doing CrossFit and weight training 3-4 times a week (something I’ve done for the past 5 years and rarely skip) and working with a trainer (if you follow me on Instagram you’ll have seen “Ali, the Answer!” in my stories!) for at least 3 of these weekly sessions, has been critical. Whatever form of exercise you choose to do, experts agree that moving your body should be part of your regular routine.

像许多女性一样,最初为我锻炼身体都很重要。我在90年代初是一个十几岁的少年,当时瘦了。尽管我自然很瘦,但我还是担心体重和痴迷about my body,这不是建立健身基础的健康地方。

值得庆幸的是,从那以后,我对锻炼的态度更为健康。现在,一切都与力量和身体健康有关,以便我可以在生活中发挥出色的作用。例如,我不再为不得不在旅行时抬起我的沉重的行李箱而打睫毛。我有点做一个干净和混蛋的版本,将我的随身行李箱放入飞机上的高架箱中。而且,当我在Soca Fete上时,您应该看到我上下葡萄酒 - 这要归功于我每周要做的少数蹲。


Given what I’ve come to understand about nutrition, and after a lifetime of digestive issues (including a gluten and soy intolerance), I’ve learned that I need to be vigilant about what I put in my body.

我全都是一种古饮食 - 我吃了一吨蔬菜,鳄梨,坚果和油脂,以及肉类,鱼类和一些豆类等蛋白质。当我吃碳水化合物时,它们很复杂 - 我是糙米和地瓜的忠实拥护者。我还避免像鼠疫一样避免使用糖,这意味着我很少会沉迷于一两口的蛋糕,甜甜圈,饼干或其他decade废的零食。我可以告诉你,当我有太多糖时,我立即感到“严重”的激增。如果这让我听起来很无聊,请知道我不是!我是一个巨大的美食家 - 我喜欢吃东西,我真的很喜欢我的食物。我对自己的“ Queendom”(HA)的内容非常健康。

I’m equally vigilant about what I drink. I’ve never been a coffee drinker (like maybe I’ve had 10 cups my entire life, back when I was a student and needed to pull an all nighter to study). I do drink tea, primarily white or green tea, yerba mate, or tulsi, which is Holy Basil, a herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. I also drink as much water as humanly possible, typically 2-3 liters a day. If I’m feeling dehydrated, I’ll add electrolyte packets to my water or drink natural (as in no added sugar) coconut water. Never underestimate the importance of hydration!

If I’m honest, I do love to drink alcohol, but I’ve made peace with the fact that it’s just not good to drink too much of it (bad for sleep, calories, aging, and hangovers — I get the worst ones ever!). So these days, I don’t have more than a few glasses of wine in a week or a few drinks of hard alcohol (neat or with soda water as my chaser). I’m hardcore about staying under ten units of alcohol a week.



As part of my yogic practice, which includes a few forms of physical care, I take lukewarm showers instead of hot ones. This prevents dry skin and hair, improves circulation, and helps to move toxins out of the body. But my real obsession is moisturizer — I moisturize my face and body like it’s my full-time job: I apply, reapply, and apply again! I use natural products (instead of chemical-ridden department store or drugstore products) like almond oil, argan oil, or shea butter from the neck down every time I bathe, and I try to do the same for my face.

我的护肤方案的关键也是阳光意识。我爱太阳,每碰到的机会都会吸收它 - 我所有的黑暗都是美丽的,与我们许多人被教导成长的东西相反!作为一个棕色的女孩,我的容忍度比某些人坐在阳光下的容忍度更高,但是我仍然虔诚地佩戴防晒霜,并在燃烧之前确保我不在阳光下。


When I’m able to, I engage in different forms ofbody work保持我的身心健康。我间歇性地进行针灸,按摩疗法,骨病,反射疗法,灵气,瑜伽和面部护理。这些实践有助于将能量通过体内和移出体内,并具有许多好处。如果您只能参与其中一种实践,它可能会对您的身体健康产生积极影响。


I view mindfulness as the ultimate health practice, because it simultaneously cares for our mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. I’ve already written about我最喜欢的正念练习, but when it comes to the physical benefits, it bears repeating: how you breathe and how you sit can change your life.


近年来,有关睡眠重要性的研究已经出现,因此我们知道这是不可能的,对身体健康是不可谈判的。但这是一个区域我个人挣扎的地方. There are a lot of demands on my time, so getting the 7 to 8 hours I need doesn’t happen often enough, even though I know it’s important. But I am trying, and over the last year I’ve managed to get a minimum of 6.5 hours a night — even the extra 30 minutes up from the 6 hours a night I used to get has made a difference. It’s a journey, and I’m doing my best!

这里概述的方案可能会让我听起来像是一个狂热,无聊且结构过度的人 - 但我向您保证,我不是!我只是想以最好的方式管理自己的庙宇(又名我的身体),因为我想过上健康的生活。

Now I’d love to hear from you. How are you currently caring for your physical health? Which areas do you struggle with? What changes will you make going forward?

I'm Ritu.




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